Change Trade Session CET Paris 16-8-2023 20:14:56 – on the SHORT Single Tradesignal that arose on palladium at 16-8-2023. Price now plusminus 1210, Moving Stoploss now improved to plusminus 1245,54:
Tag Archives: palladium
Short Opening Trade Session Palladium
Start Trade Session CET Paris 16-8-2023 09:12:45 – A SHORT Single Trendsignal arises on palladium, (future symbol PA). Price is now plusminus 1237,12, Initial Stoploss price is plusminus 1306,41:

This Session Start is just the beginning. In the coming time we follow this asset, and publish the evolution of the (Moving) Stoploss for Optimal Profit. Read all about it at So don’t forget to visit frequently, and Make Money!
Trade Palladium boring till sofar
Since we published the Short Trade yesterday round noon, nothing much has happened really. Hopefulle that will change coming period. See it in realtime for yourself: