These animals seem to tamp the floor these days, getting ready for a nice trott uphill coming period:

Read daily all our Investment Signals. So don’t forget to visit frequently, and Make Money!
New Tradesignal CET Paris 9-11-2023 21:01:28 – A Longer term LONG Tradesignal arised on lean hog, (symbol HE, Weekly chart). Price is now plusminus 71,528 USD, Moving Stoploss price is plusminus 67,748:
A nice Price Target would ly at plusminus 92 USD, to be approached in coming Months. Read daily all our Tradesignals at So don’t forget to visit frequently, and Make Money!
Close Trade and Trade Session CET 3-8-2023 18:36:37 – The SHORT Single Swingtradesignal that arose on lean hog, has hit the Moving Stoploss at plusminus 82,34 half an hour ago with a great profit. Therefore, Trade And Session are ended.
As the Cowboys already said in the old days: “A Lean Hog is better than a Mean Dog!”… or did i make that up myself? Well anyway, we go look for new great Trade Opportunities, and of course our current Trade on Palladium. So don’t forget to check frequently, and Make Money!
Start Trade Session CET Paris 30-7-2023 13:27:38 – A SHORT Single Trendsignal arises on lean hog. Price is now plusminus 85,035, Initial Stoploss price is plusminus 91,965:
This Session Start is just the beginning. In the coming time we follow this asset, and publish the evolution of the (Moving) Stoploss for Optimal Profit. Read all about it at So don’t forget to visit frequently, and Make Money!