7+% increase in price this afternoon. We take Win now:

Trade And Session are ended. We go look for new great Trade Opportunities. So don’t forget to check stocktimer.nl frequently, and Make Money!
Start Trade Session CET Paris 9-8-2023 09:17:06 – A LONG Single Tradesignal arises on natural gas, (future symbol NG). Price is now plusminus 2,788, Initial Stoploss price is plusminus 2,612:
This Session Start is just the beginning. In the coming time we follow this asset, and publish the evolution of the (Moving) Stoploss for Optimal Profit. Read all about it at https://stocktimer.nl/. So don’t forget to visit stocktimer.nl frequently, and Make Money!
Since we published the Short Trade yesterday round noon, nothing much has happened really. Hopefulle that will change coming period. See it in realtime for yourself: