Change Trade Session CET Paris 12-9-2023 17:07:44 – on the SHORT Single Tradesignal that arose on nasdaq. Price now plusminus 15542, Moving Stoploss now improved to plusminus 15580,15:

Start Trade Session CET Paris 12-9-2023 15:03:15 – A SHORT Single Swingtradesignal arises on nasdaq, (future symbol NQ). Price is now plusminus 15596, Moving Stoploss price is plusminus 15713:
This Session Start is just the beginning. In the coming time we follow this asset, and publish the evolution of the (Moving) Stoploss for Optimal Profit. Read all about it at So don’t forget to visit frequently, and Make Money!
For the coming week of mo 11-9-2023, hereby a handy overview when Stocktimer plans to monitor the markets for possible new Tradesignals:
mo no
tu afternoon/evening
we afternoon/evening
th yes
fr yes
So don’t forget to visit frequently on those days for Happy Trades, and Make Money!
Update Trade Session CET Paris 7-9-2023 10:50:54 – on the LONG Single Tradesignal that arose on dow jones industrial this morning. It went real fast this time, so we hope you could catch up. Price now plusminus 34516, Moving Stoploss improved to plusminus 34466. That is equal to the Entry price earlier this morning, so the Trade can only end with profit (or at least neutral result):
Happy trails. We will see what happens, and in the meantime we go look for new great Trade Opportunities. So don’t forget to check frequently, and Make Money!
Start Trade Session CET Paris 7-9-2023 10:50:54 – A LONG Single Tradesignal arises on dow jones industrial, (future symbol YM). Price is now plusminus 34466, Initial Stoploss price is plusminus 34415:
This Session Start is just the beginning. In the coming time we follow this asset, and publish the evolution of the (Moving) Stoploss for Optimal Profit. Read all about it at So don’t forget to visit frequently, and Make Money!
Close Trade and Trade Session CET 5-9-2023 12:31:26 – The SHORT Single Trendsignal that arose on dax, has hit the Moving Stoploss at plusminus 15795 one and a half hours ago with a great profit. Therefore, Trade And Session are ended. We go look for new great Trade Opportunities. So don’t forget to check frequently, and Make Money!
Start Trade Session CET Paris 4-9-2023 14:11:29 – A SHORT Single Tradesignal arises on dax, (future symbol FDAX). Price is now plusminus 15898,52, Initial Stoploss price is plusminus 15970,65:
This Session Start is just the beginning. In the coming time we follow this asset, and publish the evolution of the (Moving) Stoploss for Optimal Profit. Read all about it at So don’t forget to visit frequently, and Make Money!
Stocktimer is on vacation till sundae sep 3
Change Trade Session CET Paris 18-8-2023 19:01:15 – on the LONG Double Tradesignal that arose on wti oil. Price now plusminus 80,68, Moving Stoploss improved to plusminus 80,50:
This Long Trade cannot lose anymore, and the profit is far greater than the earlier loss this afternoon of the Single Short Trade. So when the Long trade bumps to the Moving Stoploss this evening, Trade and Session are over. Or else, don’t forget to close before weekend market closure. Have a nice Trade and Weekend. Make Money!